GENERAL HEALTH HISTORY Any medications being taken, either prescribed or over the counter (OTC). Some medications of particular concern: Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) may be absorbed in a hydrogel lens and cause corneal irritation (rare). Accutane (isotretinoin) for severe acne can cause a rather severe dry eye with resultant lens and corneal epithelial problems and blepharoconjunctivitis. Antihistamines -cause dry eye problems Anxiolytics (i.e. Librium, Valium)can cause dry eye symptoms and reduce blink amplitude. Anticholinergics (atrophine, scopolamine) reduce tear secretion Beta-adrenergic blocking agents (atenolol, metoprolol, oxyprenolol, pindolol, and possibly others) can cause dry eye and reduce tear lysozyme. Diuretics (such as Dyazide and Lasix) can cause decreased tearing, conjunctival allergic reactions and photophobia. Rifampin (orange), tetracycline (dark brown to black), phenazopyridine (orange), phenolphthalein (pink, yellow) and nitrofurantoin (orange) all discolor hydrogel lenses. Oral contraceptives -in some cases may cause dryness and/or edema